Creator Spotlight: Peteuse

“If one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s to not trust people who don’t think farts are funny.” — Peteuse

Peteuse got into fetishism by accident, way back in the early 2000s, all via an innocent used clothing sale.

“I was a fairly prolific ballet dancer at the time, so of course ballet slippers were part of my dance wardrobe. I once tried out a new brand of ballet slippers that I normally didn’t wear, and as it would be, my feet didn’t like how they felt,” she continued. “Instead of just tossing them, I thought it’d be better to sell them as ‘like new’ on ebay. Lo and behold, the foot fetish guys were the ones most interested in them!”

And so, an early Peteuse was born.

“Before this, I had no idea foot fetishism was a thing!” she said. “So many questions about if they stunk, how many times I wore them, and so on. I couldn’t believe how much they sold for, and realized a side-gig opportunity, as I was working full-time at the time.”

Fast forward several years. Peteuse was still working full-time but she was also still continuing her fun side gig. It had expanded from just ballet shoes to used panties, socks, hosiery, and videos. Only now, things had taken a very serious turn.

“I had been ill with a rare lung disease for several years, and finally I was so ill that my doctor told me I needed to stop work or I would be seriously risking my life,” Peteuse shared. “I had to figure out how to turn my side gig into my main income. I was fortunate to have me fetish gig as I could do it when I was feeling well and take it easy when I wasn’t. It was hard to keep up at times — not to mention I was paying San Francisco rent!”

Health considered, things eventually turned a corner for Peteuse.

“I started a new medication in late 2004 that really improved my life for a while,” she said. “In 2007, I decided to take a trip to France, as I was finally feeling well enough to travel. In Paris, I met a fellow, and we had a nice vacation fling. He didn’t know about YouTube yet, as the French were not yet exactly on the Silicon Valley cutting edge of technology like I was used to in San Francisco.”

“So, I told him it was basically a video content platform where literally anyone could post any dumb thing and could become famous from it! To test it out, we decided to film me doing something really stupid — farting — to post on YouTube to see what happened,” Peteuse continued. “And here I am thirteen years later still ripping farts for a decent side income!”

Peteuse shared so much more with us in her recent interview with Loyalfans. Read on to learn some more about this clever content creator who breaks down taboos and stereotypes simply by being herself.

Loyalfans: How do you balance your fetish content creation with other aspects of your work life?

Peteuse: My health situation has improved, so I’ve gone back to a “vanilla” job, but freelance, maybe 25 to 30 hours a week. I have a degree in Spanish, an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics, and a Single Subject Teaching Credential, so I was a teacher in bilingual classrooms before and during the beginning of my fart gig. I’ve stopped teaching and now do freelance translation.

The farting gig is really so much more fun, and I actually look forward to making videos for my fans. It’s been a nice combination of earning extra money plus having fun. Farts are funny, so I’m assured to always laugh while working. Caliente for farty teacher?

In your experience, what are some of the best things about working online? What about challenges?

Honestly, it suits me perfectly! If I ever have to go to a physical place to work again, I don’t know if I could. I am not an early riser, so this be at work at 8 am thing is a total no-go for me. Seriously, I cannot even make it to work on time if I have to start at 10 am. I love having uninterrupted time to focus and work efficiently. I love being able to stop when I want to and take a break and come back when I’m motivated again. And naps — let’s not forget naps! Also, this style of work allows me to do “marathons” of work and then take off weeks at a time, or even months.

People talk about feeling isolated, so if you need a lot of social contact at your job, this is not for you. But for me, I never really looked for friends at work and having a flexible schedule and more free time allows me to be free and feel energized for a varied and active social life.

How have your fans impacted your life?

Maybe my case is a bit unusual? Or not? Let’s just say my perspective and relationship on my fans has changed.

Yes, there is the financial aspect, and my most supportive fans respect my time by purchasing content, which I greatly appreciate. I try my best to make great — I hope — fart videos as entertainment that turns them on and to listen to what they like and to fullfill their fantasies.

Then there is the side that is personally gratifying to me. Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of health issues since I started in the fart fetish world, I’ve had a lot of surgeries, namely two lung transplants, and from those have quite a few big scars on my body. For a while, after my first transplant, it was difficult for me to feel attractive again. My scar is freaking huge. I felt deformed, freakish. Then, when I was well enough and started making videos again, my most supportive and long-time fans still enjoyed my videos and found me sexy. This was really uplifting for me and great for my confidence. It sounds superficial, I guess… But I think we all need to feel desired, man or woman.

I understand that there are a lot of fellas that are turned off by my scars, but that doesn’t bother me really. I know it’s about fantasy and maybe my scars are just “too real” for that. I don’t have a complex about them any longer. There is one guy though that constantly sends me messages telling me I’m disgusting and my scars are ugly. It’s funny because really I’m immune to that kind of sick and sad hate, as my fans show me time and again that I can still turn them on. Plus, I’ve survived so much that some rando thinking I’m disgusting is really not on my radar.

Also, I’m seriously getting into MILF territory, and — being not exactly twenty any longer — well, that fans still jerk off to me is also very gratifying.

What’s one message you’d like to share with your most loyal fans?

I hope [my work] releases tension and gives them a freedom to feel okay that their fantasies are not sick perversions. They can be free to express themselves to a person who won’t judge them, and someone actually enjoys fulfilling their fantasies. In the end, I hope people are less frustrated. So, my message? I’m cool with you liking farts.

Outside of your work, what are you most interested in? 

I love to learn and to understand. That sounds boring, I know, and not super sexy. I actually read scientific studies in medicine, science, environment, and so on and the New Yorker cover-to-cover. Who the hell reads the New Yorker? It’s only for the cartoons, right? Also, I’m very curious about how other people live, what their perspectives are depending on their culture and experiences. That is why I travel any chance I get and learned a few language so I could communicate with more people. With my job, I can live abroad for months at time, which I have done, health permitting.

Cooking and sharing my culture via food is another internet of mine. I grew up in a very Bay area household — Vietnamese mom, dad from the US South, and then a Mexican step-mother whose son was half Black. So I learned to cook Vietnamese, Southern US food, and Mexican cuisines. I live in Europe now where these cuisines aren’t very well known, so I enjoy sharing them with my friends and burning their faces off with the spiciness. French are very wimpy about spicy.

If you could change one thing about today’s world, what would it be and why?

Oh dear. You know, it’s 2020? But on a less global level, I’d like it if people would stop thinking “sex workers” are stupid. Sex work is not some one-sided “oh it’s bad and degrading to women” thing.

Find Peteuse on Loyalfans at

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