#VicTips: Roleplay 101

Welcome to #VicTips, insights and ideas directly from Loyalfans’ Model Liaison, Victoria Raye

One of the best things about being a content creator is that we can explore our own sexualities through our content. One of my personal favorite ways to do this is by engaging in a bit of roleplay.

Who do you want to be? Who do you want to “try on”? Who is so not who you are, but maybe you want the challenge, thrill, or simply the experience of exploring? Shooting roleplay content can be so much fun, not to mention it’s an incredibly popular genre that shows no sign of slowing down.

So if you have always wanted to engage in a little bit of roleplay, check out these #VicTips for some insider info!

#VicTips: Roleplay 101

1. Get into the right head space to create your character for the scene. This could involve watching or listening to some media your character is featured in, reading something, or even meditation or scents. Get to feeling your character, and yourself!

2. Take note of what’s in your closet before dropping your hard earned cash on costumes. Sometimes, building your own “costumes” can make for a more authentic roleplay scenario!

3. Use a script to help you stay “in character.”

4. Roleplays should always be FUN. You can take those awkward first takes as practice as you get your groove (or, as a sign that today’s not the day). Share the fun, and your fans will see and feel that energy!

Let us know if you have any questions. We’re always here to help you make the most of your Loyalfans experience!

— Victoria Raye

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Come to our “Q&As with Victoria Raye,” every Wednesday at 4 pm EST. Email QAVR@loyalfans.com to sign up!

About Loyalfans.com: Loyalfans.com is a premium social media fan club that enables influencers, creators, artists, public figures, and all types of compelling people to interact with and share various forms of original content with their most loyal fans. Creators’ loyal fans can become supporters in exchange for exclusive benefits offered via the platform, facilitating an opportunity to turn individual ingenuity and influence into a thriving business.

Loyalfans invites all people and personalities to create, share, and connect via the platform, thereby manifesting opportunities to earn revenue and grow. Loyalfans welcomes and supports all forms of positive, consensual, creative expression.

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