Social Media Marketing for Content Creators

The Simple Basics

Whatever social media platform(s) you choose, these basics are roughly the same:

  • Build a nice profile with a good image
  • Write a compelling and descriptive bio
  • Include a link to your LoyalFans page
  • Engage with people on the platform

Make posts, follow others, comment on fans’ and other creators’ posts, and interact daily.

The most important thing is to be consistent. Social media success doesn’t often happen overnight. But if you’re persistent, it’ll pay off.

A Note about Terms & Conditions

Be sure to check the terms & conditions of the particular social media platform you’re using to promote yourself to ensure that you’re following their rules.

Also look at similar creators to see what they’re doing. That can help give you an idea of what the platform might tolerate and how others are staying within the boundaries of the TOS.

Some platforms have very strict requirements about what you can and cannot link to, and your account can be shut down if you’re not careful.

If you have a social media following already…

If you already have a strong presence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or another social media app, tell them about your LoyalFans page, and do so regularly as you post content.

On average, creators might get 1% to 5% of their social media followers to subscribe.

So if you have 20,000 followers, that could potentially be turned into 200 subscribers. If your subscription fee is $10/mo, you will earn $2000/mo.

And that’s just a start.

Put your LoyalFans link in your social media bios

You can link directly to your LoyalFans page from your bio, or you can use a service like Linktree ( or AllMyLinks ( and point your bio link there.

What to post

For those of you who are just starting to build a following, it’s important not to inundate your potential fans with advertisements alone.

Instead, give them content. Help them to get to know you.

Think of this like a sales funnel, and a connection with you is what you’re selling.

1. A cohort of social media users discovers you.

2. Some of those follow you.

3. Some of them come to recognize you when they see your posts.

4. They start to feel friendly with you.

5. They want to see more.

And it’s at stage 5 that they’ll be willing to spend money.

So as you post on your social media, consider all of these stages. You’re nurturing and building relationships.

So make casual posts about what you’re doing with your day. Post photos and videos that are entertaining, educational, or personal. And most importantly, try to engage with them.

Be Uniquely You

Be creative and show your fans whatever makes you unique and individual.

Many people make the mistake of looking at successful creators and trying to copy them exactly. This can work to a point, but you should also differentiate yourself. The most successful creators are often unmistakable.

Capitalize on Trends

Most social media platforms allow you to see what’s trending. Is a popular superhero movie trending? Consider a cosplay post. Is some dance trending? Combine the dance with your particular content niche. There are plenty of possibilities. Now, when people are browsing those topics, there’s a good chance of them finding you there.

Don’t try to use every social media network

This one is tough, but you need to have some restraint. It’s better to focus on an audience on 2-3 social networks and do a great job of it than to spread yourself thin by trying to post and maintain a dozen accounts.

Choose the ones that make the most sense for you.

On Twitter

Adult content creators: search for “sw train” or “nsfw train”

Creators regularly do these. They start a thread where nsfw and sw (sex worker) accounts can reply in the thread and/or retweet. The creators will follow one another and get exposure to one another’s fanbase.

RT for RT

Find other LoyalFans creators on Twitter and offer to exchange retweets. This is a great way to gain access to one another’s followers.

Follow people to gain followers

If you follow people, some of them will follow you back.

Just be careful not to follow too many people at once, as Twitter may temporarily prevent you from following more. And don’t let your number of follows exceed your number of followers by too much. It’s a good idea to occasionally go through your list of follows and remove some who have not followed you back.

Use a pinned post for your current promotions

Sometimes your followers may retweet your pinned tweet. Use it strategically, but if you have nothing else, just pin your latest promotional tweet linking to your LoyalFans page.

Comment on people’s posts

The idea here is exposure. You want people to see your name often. Be sure to comment on the tweets of both fans and your fellow LoyalFans creators.

Twitter ads

If you’re up for investing a little money into promoting your LoyalFans, Twitter Ads is a great place to start. Instructions for advertising are beyond the scope of this article, but Twitter makes it pretty easy to get started.


Being active on Reddit can uncover quite a few potential fans.

Fill in your bio

You should mention your LoyalFans here. You can’t link it, but you can mention it.

Be aware of the karma system

The more helpful and entertaining you are on Twitter, the more people will upvote your posts. Upvotes increase karma and downvotes decrease karma. The posts with the most karma receive the most visibility.

The more upvotes your posts get across your posts, the more total karma your account will receive.

Each user’s karma is displayed on their profile page.

Some subreddits require a minimum amount of karma before you can join.

Use a pinned post to link to your LoyalFans

Since you can’t link from your bio, this is a nice workaround.

After you’ve built a little karma and gotten into relevant subreddits, create a post with a link to your LoyalFans and pin it to your profile.

Search for all the relevant subreddits for your niche

Try to follow the 80/20 principle here. You don’t have time to be active on everything that seems remotely relevant, so choose the ones that seem most promising and relevant.

Then become an active member of those communities, and when you have some content you’d like to share, share it.

Follow other Redditors

When they receive the notification that you’ve followed them, there’s a chance they’ll look at your profile and see your bio and pinned post.


Note that Instagram does not allow any adult content, so if that’s what you do, you’ll need to be extra careful here never to post anything explicit.

But it’s still a great platform for finding followers. Post interesting, suggestive, or otherwise entertaining photos regularly, and link to your LoyalFans page (or your Linktree) from your bio.

The trick to being discovered on Instagram is hashtags. Don’t be shy when loading an image post with lots of relevant hashtags so people can find you.

Stories vs posts

You should aim to post both stories and posts.

The primary difference is that posts are evergreen and will live on your page until you delete them, and stories are deleted automatically after 24 hours. So why would you ever post stories at all? Because they’re popular and can garner a lot of views.

Post stories when the content is timely or targeted to your current followers.

Use posts when the content is meant to be evergreen or is designed to reach new people using hashtags.


Promoting on TikTok is about trends. Do some research to find what’s trending and contribute valuable content. Do that consistently, using the relevant hashtags, and you’ll build a following.

You can’t link from your posts, so be sure to put your LoyalFans or Linktree link in your bio.

Automation and Repurposing

Regardless of what social media platforms you’ve chosen, the more you can automate and repurpose, the better.

When you take a great photo or video, remember that it can go across multiple social media platforms and can be scheduled.

The make this easier, tools can help. Most of them cost a little money, but they’re worthwhile.

Some to consider:

  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • Sprout Social

Social Media Marketing for Content Creators with sprouts

Image via Unsplash here.

About is a premium social media fan club that enables influencers, creators, artists, public figures, and all types of compelling people to interact with and share various forms of original content with their most loyal fans. Creators’ loyal fans can become supporters in exchange for exclusive benefits offered via the platform, facilitating an opportunity to turn individual ingenuity and influence into a thriving business.

LoyalFans invites all people and personalities to create, share, and connect via the platform, thereby manifesting opportunities to earn revenue and grow. LoyalFans welcomes and supports all forms of positive, consensual, creative expression.

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