Optimize Your LoyalFans Page for Google (SEO)

Many creators neglect to consider how to bring fresh visitors to their pages from Google searches — but my oh my if this isn’t important!

LoyalFans has already done the technical work for you, and we continue to test and tweak your pages for maximum search visibility. But SEO (search engine optimization) is also about the content on the page, and this is something *you* can control and optimize (or, neglect and let flounder).

If you’re trying to succeed as a content creator online, there’s nothing better than achieving good rankings on Google. You can think of it as (almost) free traffic to your page — and all you have to do is follow a few basic guidelines.

Your Name

We should start here. Any name is fine, and if you already have an account, you may not want to change it.

But if you’re just coming up with a name, consider making it easy to remember and spell. You want your fans to be able to easily find you, and many use Google instead of bookmarking your page. If they remember your name and spell it correctly, it’s more likely to appear in the search results.

One thing to consider would be to put a word related to your niche in your name. For example, Elizabeth the Foot Model or Tickling Tera. That gives you a chance of appearing in the results if someone searches that term, e.g., “LoyalFans foot model.”

Optimize your Profile Bio

This is a topic that deserves its own article. Luckily, we have one!

Check out “Write a Bio that will Persuade Fans to Whip Out their Credit Cards” right here: loyalfans.com/blog/write-a-bio-that-will-persuade-fans-to-whip-out-their-credit-cards

Meta Description

When your page comes up on Google, it includes a short description of the page beneath the link.

The meta description is a small snippet of code that’s not visible on the page but is visible to Google. It’s our suggestion for what they should display as the description. They may or may not use it, but in case they do, it should be optimized to persuade searchers to click your link.

On LoyalFans, we make this the first 155 characters of your bio. So here’s what we recommend:

• Put the most important information at the beginning of your bio.
• Make it as compelling as possible.
• Stir their curiosity if you can.
• Tell the searcher honestly what to expect.
• Check your grammar in a tool such as Grammarly.

Content Regularity

The more active a page is, the more Google crawls and updates it. Freshness is a ranking factor, and the more you post, the more terms you could possibly rank for.

Titles for Posts

Many creators hate coming up with a title for their posts (and there is honestly talk here at LoyalFans for making that optional — currently it’s required to make a new post on the site), but we do this for your benefit.

These are headings on your profile page, and Google uses heading text to better understand what your page is about. So, put the important words into these titles. Sum up your post in a short phrase.

General Text Guidelines

Any time you’re typing something that will appear on your page, be descriptive. Google looks at everything things days, but text is still the most important signal Google has for what the page is about. So, put simply, don’t skimp on the text.

NB though: don’t go overboard either! As with most of life, balance is the key. Be descriptive but concise.


Doing well in search takes time and is somewhat unpredictable. There are no guarantees, and to the extent your efforts are successful, you may not see results for a while.

As we said at the beginning, organic traffic can almost be considered free traffic. And when it comes, it converts better than many other forms of traffic because it’s targeted. So please don’t neglect it.

Loyalfans SEO optimize

Image via Unsplash here.

About Loyalfans.com: Loyalfans.com is a premium social media fan club that enables influencers, creators, artists, public figures, and all types of compelling people to interact with and share various forms of original content with their most loyal fans. Creators’ loyal fans can become supporters in exchange for exclusive benefits offered via the platform, facilitating an opportunity to turn individual ingenuity and influence into a thriving business.

Loyalfans invites all people and personalities to create, share, and connect via the platform, thereby manifesting opportunities to earn revenue and grow. Loyalfans welcomes and supports all forms of positive, consensual, creative expression.

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