Customs 101 with Casey Calvert (Series Part 1)

By Casey Calvert

Register via for Casey Calvert’s Master Class Lab on Creating Customs — September 26, 2023 at 2 pm ET …for #realloyalfans creators only!

Are you selling customs? Are you thinking about selling customs? Are you reading this going, Casey, what actually is a custom? Whichever of those questions you are asking, this three part blog series is for you.

I’ve been selling custom content for a decade, and I’m here to explain how selling customs can improve your relationship with your fans, your fan site presence, and — of course — increase your income. 

What’s a Custom?

A custom is a piece of content (audio, photo, or video) made for a singular fan to their specific requests. It’s essentially bespoke pornography. Customs can be 10 second audio clips or two hour long multi-person orgy extravaganzas, and everything in between. 

Custom requests can be as simple as “finger yourself and moan my name while you cum.” Sometimes they can get incredibly detailed, with specific wardrobe, blocking and camera instructions. Sometimes a request will be for you alone, sometimes a fan will want to see you perform with someone else. Sometimes custom requests aren’t sexual at all. That is to say, customs can kind of… be anything. 

Why Sell Customs?

The obvious answer is that, because customs are bespoke content, they can and should cost more. You are making a video to fulfill one fan’s specific fantasy. But also, you are building a relationship with a fan, getting to know that fan on a deeper, more intimate level. And that’s pretty great for both of you.

Even more than that – and you’ll see me say this throughout this blog series — you can resell some customs once they are made. I’ve found it great for both my fans and for me to offer a discount on customs in exchange for creating a re-sellable custom (usually, this is as simple as not saying the fan’s name in the video). I get content, they get a more affordable video. Win-win. 

Offering this type of discounted custom — I call them “non-exclusives”– has enabled me to create a library of resellable video content, content that lives on my LoyalFans video store. If you have five videos or five hundred, a digit storefront or a video menu will help you sell your non-exclusive videos, making up the difference in the discount you gave the original fan.

Final Thoughts

Before you ride off into the sunset with your custom ideas in hand, some final thoughts.

Know your limits in advance and keep them clear. If you aren’t comfortable with the content a fan is asking you to film, say no. Don’t let an aggressive fan talk you into something you’ll regret later.

Respect and maintain your brand. Shoot what feels good to you and the type of content your brand (and you!) stand for. Part of successfully running your content creation business means turning down work that goes counter to your brand in order to maintain it.

Treasure your fans. Use growing your custom business as a way not only to improve your income, but also improve your fan relationships. I have fans who have been ordering customs from me for years and I’ve gotten to know them so well during this customs creation process that they’re more than fans at this point, they’re valued friends.

In the next blog, I’ll be discussing what you should consider when pricing your customs, so if that sounds like a fun time, keep an eye out!

Check out Parts 2 & 3 in this series, as well as other professionalization content from Casey Calvert, right here:

Want to learn more? Register for Casey Calvert’s Master Class Lab on September 26th via!

casey calvert customs loyalfans

About is a premium social media fan club that enables influencers, creators, artists, public figures, and all types of compelling people to interact with and share various forms of original content with their most loyal fans. Creators’ loyal fans can become supporters in exchange for exclusive benefits offered via the platform, facilitating an opportunity to turn individual ingenuity and influence into a thriving business.

LoyalFans invites all people and personalities to create, share, and connect via the platform, thereby manifesting opportunities to earn revenue and grow. LoyalFans welcomes and supports all forms of positive, consensual, creative expression.

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